The cognitive computing company

Developing next generation technologies at the intersection of semantics, machine-learning, artificial life, social networking and other technologies.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Entrepreneurial Insights

Stalin is reported to have said: "It takes a very brave man to be a coward in the Soviet army". While there is no knowing the veracity of the quote, its bluntness certainly applies to the world of entrepreneurship. A startup is no space for people with thin skins, giant egos, or for that matter those who aren't willing to bet it all. It is an all-or-nothing, high-stakes game which demands the kind of commitment and determination - the equivalent of the Navy Seals' selection process which is a gut-check of the first order.

In our experience, the best way to weed out the - pardon the gender inequity - men from the boys is to observe their statements. In our experience, most, if not all, who claim to know "all about entrepreneurship", "stood in those shoes multiple times" are very likely pompous BSers.

Having dealt with more than a few such poseurs, we think any readers of this blog should take such "big-talkers" with a giant pinch of salt and some. Any serious entrepreneur would never claim to know "all about" startups, because s/he knows that every enterprise is different from the last, and each time they are starting afresh!

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